Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Powder at Schweitz!

Recently I've been skiing around with my rebel in my pocket just in case inspiration struck and it has helped my snow photography so much. I'll be skiing around and if I see something that may look cool all I have to do is pull the rebel out of my pocket take a quick shot and keep shreddin.

So anyways, at the end of the day or at lunch or something I'll load up the shots and see whats worth taking some time to shoot. At the computer I can plan out how I want to shoot the feature so then all I have to do is bring my camera bag out and shoot it. It saves so much time spent walking around freezing cold trying to find a good angle on something new.

I really like these shots, especially the ones of the skier busting through the trees. to me they really give a, "I'm in freakin deep pow in the backcountry" feel to them even though all of these are shot inbounds.

I posted the first shot on and got some feedback that the skier wasn't popping enough. Next time it snows alot I'm gonna go back and shoot these trees with flash. Probably will have one right behind me and above to light the trees and skier and I'll use the other as a rim on high power to backlight the snow blowing out from the trees and the outline of the skier.

Pretty stoked on these pictures, I feel that they are some of the better stuff I have taken recently. 

1 comment:

btwitch said...

Where is your contact sheet?

One thing that you can do to give your images some pop, especially the color for online, is when you export out of Lightroom, export as sRGB. For print you want to export as a TIFF in Adobe RGB. That will help some.

I'll agree, these do look kind of flat and could use some pop to them. Bump up the contrast a little. You could also select just the skier and bump the contrast on him.

Nice work, keep it up. Get your contact sheets on here!