Sunday, March 6, 2011


I feel like other than having a general understanding of camera operation and an eye for good composition a photographer's most important tool is their ability to adapt. In most situations you're never going to have want you want/need. Right now I can think of at least 10 things photo related that I would like to purchase but I don't have the funds. If by luck you happen to own every piece of photo equipment you want, it's not likely that you'll be able to physically transport everything that you might need to the location. If these two haven't gotten you and if your not a strictly indoor photographer then this one will: the weather can't be controlled and a fair amount of the time is spent wishing the light was a little bit different.

So with all this being said it's extremely important to be able stop wishing for what you don't have and work with the situation and equipment that's at hand. Why this came to mind? The other night I had some major lighting issues, I had 4 strobes with me to light a feature that in my mind definitely needed all 4 lights. It was a 3 block bomb drop and with the way the blocks were placed I had a feeling that weird shadows were going to be an issue. Turns out due to various problems 3 lights were out of commission by the time we were ready to shoot and I was left with a single speedlite and a lightstand. If it was a portrait I could make this work, even a smaller urban feature and it would work, but for this I was pretty sure it wasn't and I was feeling that it was about time to give up. I couldn't leave without a try so I did something I thought may work and with a little tweaking and some precise speedlite aiming it worked. If you would like to learn some more about action sports photography head on over to they have some great articles about off camera lighting.

One speedlite and a lightstand and we ended up coming out with something much better than expected:

Heading to Calgary this week and Tahoe after that so things are gonna be busy. Until then here are a few from the road:


btwitch said...

Don't forget your links.

Good adapting with the one light, still turned out very nice.

Be sure to include some writeups with your landscape photos. What do you want people to really notice in them? Why are you shooting that scene? What caught your eye to take the time on it?

Anonymous said...

These are all really good! I like the different colors and lots of different angels. You are a really talented photographer. I can defiantly see you going really far with this(:

Anonymous said...

I really like your pictures. I think they are really good. I like the one with the water and the mountains. I don't have anything negative to say about your pictures. I think they are very interesting and good job.

Anonymous said...

I like the first picture because it was exciting. I was really happy to see these pictures because since it was a nice day my mood was better and that made me love these pictures not just like them. But, honestly these were really great pictures. Everybody has new styles of taking pictures and what not, but this was by far the best. It definitely stood out to me.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are awesome! I really like all the colors in them, too. You do a really good job with your pictures. Keep doing what you do!