"I just love the big sky"
Precisely the reason Montana is a great place for landscape shooting.
We took a quick weekend journey to play around in the snow. I very much needed a little trip, I haven't left the area since August. This trip definitely signified the start of a winter full of travel, hopefully enough snow will be on the ground this next weekend somewhere in the Pacific Northwest (please be Baker).
I wasn't planning on shooting landscapes this week, I've mainly been preparing for my next project. After I learned that I have access to a darkroom I've been in a scramble trying to get my hands on some old medium format equipment. If all turns out right I may have my hands on a Hasselblad setup by the end of week. Although I wasn't planning on shooting landscapes I had some opportunities I couldn't pass up and I'm pretty happy with the results. As of last week I really like putting a word or a phrase to describe why I like a landscape image so here you go:
Clouds Filtering
I'm really looking forward to shooting some medium format and hopefully it'll get me out of landscape mode.
Here's a few others from the trip:
I think your strongest photos are the first, fourth, and last. Looking at your older posts, this is probably one of the weaker ones. I would watch your cropping--the sixth photo down kind of awkwardly crops the top of the mountain off. That said, I love the last photo. It's really interesting and the light looks good.
I like the first three the best. Clouds filtering - catching the natural light is awesome, Ridgeline is just plain cool and Leading trail the contrast is amazing.
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