Monday, December 1, 2008


This is one of those shots that you take when your almost done shooting and it turns out to be one of the better pictures. I was up in Canada and we were just leaving the wax room after waxing our skis and someone started turning the lights off and I got this action silhouette (I guess thats what you would call it because its a silhouette and the it has motion blur) of a fellow team mate leaving the wax room while one background light was still on. It's definitely a fresh different picture but its up to you if you like it or not, I feel a little mediocre about it because the background and the skis take some of the focus away from the person walking. I don't have a contact sheet on the assignment because this was the only silhouette shot I got because the light turned of moments moments afterwards.

1 comment:

btwitch said...

I love these happy accidents. They don't happen too often, at least not for me, but when they do It is something that needs to be appreciated and shared.

This is a cool shot!