It's so good to be back out in the mountains again. I love going to these areas we ski at during the winter in the off season just to see how different it is without snow. This time in the fall is very good for exploring, its getting colder, it rains quite a bit, there aren't many people around, and there always seems to be a layer of fog that lingers. These are some of my favorite days of the offseason.
Stevens Peak is one of the highest peaks in the area and in my opinion one of the better ones to ski. It is pretty tight coming in and you can't get a sled through so it's all skinning which is a little bit of a trek but well worth it if the snow conditions are good. The peak has an east and a west basin. The west basin is the ideal side to ski on but because of that it is not the best side to climb. The peak is actually accessed from the east basin which is a mellower route in with some pretty cool other features like two high mountain lakes and a waterfall.
Back to the archives for this one, Stevens Peak west basin two springs ago:

When going up to ski, the lakes are usually overlooked in the rush to get to the top so today the goal was to take the scenic route to get to the lakes and see what they really were all about. I was blown away by the beauty of the entire area in such dreary weather. I love shooting landscapes that involve fog simply because fog can add so much depth to a landscape. Fog is always moving so if you stay patient, chances are it will move somewhere favorable to your mind's eye.
Here's the images from a rainy fall hike up to Stevens Lake:
hoooooshhhhiiiiiiiiittttttt essex, second to last one is sooooo nice. like the one of the dog as well, and all of them. noticed the other day rossingnol has a ski called the S6, what a shame their skis are iff, else id ssay you should get them and say theyre 'custom'
ESSEX! You're so freakin' good at photography! And I really hope you do something in your future with it, because you could make HUGE money in it. Every time I see your images I'm just like, "Wow... this kid is fantastic." You really know exactly what you're doing. Now that I've talked you up a whole bunch and gave you a huge, probably not needed, ego boost. I'll talk about your blog post.
I really like how you're amazing at landscape and portrait photography. It's really hard to pick a favorite of these images, but if I had to pick, it would be the one where you're at an angle and photographed the trees and the person standing on the one fallen over. Great shot. I like how the trees sort of disappear into the... fog? And it has a mysterious sort of feel to it, really great photograph. It almost looks like a painting, but not in an over edited kind of way. In an awesome way.
I also hate black and white photography, 99.3% of the time, but I really like what you did here. I also like how the last image isn't overly dark... you could have made the trees more black, but you didn't, which I feel means you didn't over edit it in black and white.
The picture of the dog is great too, a dog, doing what dogs do, in an environment. Not to mention that the depth of field works really nice and draws the attention to the dog. The bush on the left is a little distracting, but all in all your eyes are centered to the dog (with the rule of thirds feel to the image) so it works out.
Great work!
You're fantastic.
I can't say it enough.
The sixth one with the trees is amazing. I love it. this is a great post.
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