Busiest summer of my life, no question. It really never slowed down, thats okay though because I got a ton of business related things done and on top of that had quite a bit of fun. S6 Photo has grown more in the last month and a half that it has in its entire existence.
Art on the Green was amazing, finally a chance to show some of the favorites to a broader audience. I had a blast and couldn't believe how well received it was. My only hope was that a least a few people would be able to appreciate the images. I watched hundreds of people come through my tent over the 3 days and it was pretty cool to see those people come in and really look. Over the past 3 years I've put so much time into shooting the things that move me, seeing those handful of people look at the same photo and be impacted in a similar way brought it around full circle. It was good, I'm definitely planning on do a few bigger shows like Art on Green next summer.
On the complete opposite side of things its senior portrait season... mixed emotions. I like doing them because its fun to keep them different and capture unique images that fit different peoples' personalities but at the same time it seems like they all come at once and I feel like I've been shackled to either my camera or a my computer for the past 3 weeks. I'm pretty happy with the results, everyones pictures show them well and I feel like they're all pretty different.
Here's a few from the last couple weeks that stand out to me (these are a little dark but I like em):
Big time portfolio updates coming soon, s6photo.com is becoming somewhat out of date. Thanks for reading.

Finally. We missed the blog. Love these portraits
Supposed to have 2 posts by now... just saying.
Great portraits. There is no doubt that you have a great understanding of working the light and really making it yours. Look at the work of Robert Seale and study it. He uses orange gels over the strobes, sets his white balance to tungsten, and then the sky goes to an unbelievable blue. He is the master of lighting portraits. Seriously, look at his work.
I think you did a great job. I couldn't pick a favorite because they are all really good images in their own unique way. You're a great photographer, and what I like most about your photography is you don't just have one skill, you're good at action photography, portraits, landscape, someone tells you to shoot something, and you'll shoot it. Those kinds of photographers are the ones that will make it big time if that's their goal. I really like how all the images kind of have a "rule of thirds" look to them, and the image of Jayden really stands out. Great colors. Great location. Great subject.
Good with, Essex, I look forward to browsing more of your work in the future.
And congratulations on the turn out at Art of the Green!
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