I tell people all the time that patience is by far the most important thing to have when shooting landscapes. So many times I have gone somewhere to get an image, waited there for awhile, and after a few hours decided to pack up because I wasn't getting anything. It's usually when I'm packing up about to leave that everything completely changes. Call it coincidence, fate, or whatever you want but at least a third of my favorite landscape images were captured when I was minutes away from giving up on a shot and leaving the location.
Lately I feel like I've gotten a little better at checking the weather and planning the shot so that once I get out there I spend less time waiting. It has created a false sense that I don't really need the patience anymore, but I was soo wrong.
I've had an image of a sunset looking out from the backside of Schweitzer in my head for awhile and last Thursday it looked like a good time to make it a reality. Weather was good and I headed up to the Yolida Bowl area to wait for the sunset and hopefully get the shot.
I was greeted with some very thick fog and about 50 feet of visibility, not the best conditions for landscapes photos. Hoping that the fog would burn off, I waited, and waited, and after 2 hours nothing changed. Hopes of the shot were almost gone, I thought that the sun had already set, and I started to pack up. As I was packing up I realized that I didn't have anything planned for later so what better thing to do than spend some extra time out on the mountain?
Sure enough I decided to stay and about 20 minutes later the fog left and wow... I got what I was planning and much, much more. Within such a short period of time I went from seeing thick fog to some of the deepest reds I have ever seen in a sunset before. To this day it was one of the most unique sunsets I have ever witnessed. Just goes to show once again how important patience is.
Like the story behind the images? Or less words more photos?
Other images of the week:
I like the story's behind the pictures, silly north Idaho weather. and the pictures are stunning as well.
Stories are good to include. Great stuff this time. I can't believe though that you did not include this in your post-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEzuC5UoM8g
These photos are way good, super good lighting, comp., everything. But to be completely honest, and not to hate at all, but I miss your old work. I have seen so many landscapes, I miss the portraits of Lucky, people, snowboarding/skiing, you trying new things, whether they turn out rad or bad, but I have seen I think every inch of the northwest recently through these landscapes. Dude, no doubt these photos are rad, I love them, but as a S6photo regular, I want a little more snowboarding stuff which in my mind, I think you are the best in the area with. And anything with flashes.
Don't take this as me hating on you or anything, you know I love you and your work.
Stay strong E-dogg.
I absolutely love your color usages. I think that trying all this new stuff is a good idea. I'm kinda sorry about there not being snow, so you didn't get a whole lot of local ski/snowboard shots. Keep up the good work.
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