I can't believe it but I'm pretty sure this is the longest I have gone without updating the blog in an entire year! To all the readers out there I'm sorry, but I have been super busy doing other S6 Photo related things.
First off, the gallery at Java is up. If your in CDA swing by and check it out, Java is in downtown Coeur d' Alene on Sherman right next to San Francisco Sourdough and Pita Pit. I am super pleased with the way it turned out and the shots that I ended up using, I feel that the gallery really shows all aspects of the art side of my photography. So if your in the area check it out, its the only place where you can see the very best of my photography(lots of shots that don't get on the blog).
Here's a quick preview of one of the walls:

Before the gallery was up all I was working on was getting ready for that and shooting as much on the 7D as I could before I had to return it. So now that the gallery is up I have an immense amount of editing to get done. A lot of the editing is photos which I can get through pretty quickly but I also have a ton of video from the 7D and the GoPro that needs to get pieced together into an edit. After spending hours on editing video and only getting a little bit of an edit done I have a new found appreciation for people like Will Start who frequently put out amazing videos, these guys put a ton of time into their work and I think few people actually realize it.
S6 Photo as a business is going through some pretty big change as well. I know I've said it before but, the real S6photo.com is only a hours of work away from being done, expect it up by the end of the week. On top of the website I also had some new business cards made up that I'm pretty stoked on, if you see me around town just say hi and I can get you one.
All in all I've been super busy, but here's a few shots from the past few days (much more to come soon):

Thanks for reading, and if you or someone you knows needs some art on their walls check Java, all my prints are limited edition and they are reasonably priced,
Big congrats on your show! Hope you sell them all. I want to talk to you about the 7D, get your impressions on it.
Alright, for the landscape on the corduroy field photo #3 looks a little underexposed. it has great composition though. But for the last one, it feels that it is a bit over exposed, and a loss in texture. My most favorite one is the fog/mist photo. Its so good. Good job essex, keep shootin.
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