Friday, December 18, 2009

The Docks

It dumped, we tried to shoot urban rails, it rained, and then the snow was gone. Pretty much the summary of the last 3 days.

I got back from Jackson on Monday night and to my surprise I was greeted by a nice layer of snow in town. When we get snow in town it usually doesn't last to long so you have to take advantage of it.

We planned on shooting a different spot... one that has been on my mind for a long time, but that didn't work out so we ended up here:

Definitely visiting this spot again, I really like the set up. We only ended up hitting it for a little while so I tried to keep the lighting simple(its simple but I think it turned out pretty solid). I'm so excited to shoot this again because I have some really different ideas for lighting. Mark my words, I'll have a banger from this spot by the end of the season.

In most spots I can light it pretty good with 2 strobes, it's simple lighting but it works. I could easily use upwards of 4 four flashes on this setup, I gotta get all the equipment rounded up somehow but next time we visit this spot I'm bringing everything I can get... including the kitchen sink.

Anyways, our session got cut short:

We're lucky... Chuck ended up being okay but our session was over.

I'm a little bummed we didn't get any good action shots but next time it snows this will be one of the first spots we'll shoot, right after another one I have in my mind.

I did manage to get some lifestyles though, pretty pumped on the lighting on these:

And finally, here's your landscape of the week:

Everything with S6 Photo is coming along, big things are dropping in January. Thanks for viewing the images, and for those of you who actually read the writing, I appreciate it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just look at the pics.. mostly haha