Monday, October 26, 2009


Wow... its all I can say. I looked back and finally realized I've been bloggin for over a year. If you have a sec take a look back to some of the older posts.

Its amazing how far this blog has brought me, I look back to the old posts and realize how long its been and how far I have come in that period time. I've learned so much just from trying to get a post up here once a week.

"The only constant is change". When I first saw this saying I thought it was lame, but now I realize how much it means. Its the truth, take a look back and you will see. Take light painting for instance, I am so over it now but there was a period of about a month a while back when that was one of the only things I was shooting, and I was super stoked on it.

Looking through the old posts was like reading a story to me. I was really into it and excited to see what was next and then it just stopped at last weeks post. It just stopped and then I realized I was living the story, and the future is going to be just as different as the past. Sure I have come a long way but I'll be the first to tell you that the story has just begun... I have a lot to learn and a ton more mistakes to make.

In a year I'll look back on these recent posts and wonder why in the world I was doing what I was doing. Its just another chapter in the story that'll be just as different as the next. Hopefully these chapters can all fit together and at this time next year I can look back and realize how far I've come. I have no idea where I'm going at the moment but I'll just have to wait another year to see.

The images of the week:


btwitch said...

Geez, I need to get to your blog more often. You are doing some sweet stuff. You are quickly becoming a master of the light. Keep it up. If you are able to control the light, there can be true success in your future.

I need you in SKILLS USA. Remind me to talk to you about it.

Steve said...

Dude epic lens flare. its so perfect. like twitch said, your a master of the lighting. the light gods blessed you with the talent keep it up.