Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pirate Day

Coincidence, do you believe in it?

After I decided in my last post that I was going to chill out on the portraiture and action and start focusing on more what I wanted to shoot, a very coincidental thing happened. The next morning I got an email saying I get to use Java's walls to portray my images for the month of January. These photos can be of absolutely whatever I am feeling and let me tell you what... I super stoked.

I submitted some work to Java in July and I hadn't heard anything back so I was getting a little worried, but as soon as I decided that I was gonna start focusing my photography elsewhere it all gets worked out.

On a lighter note, today was Pirate day, one of my favorite days of the year. I can try to be a pirate as much as I want to but it will never compare to my good friend Corey, he looks like a pirate almost everyday. So I just give up and leave it to him except for one day of the year, Pirate day.

Yes this is going to be a post all about Corey, and thats only because it is Pirate day.

Many words have been used to describe Corey: gypsy, bum, pirate, thief. I try to use only one and that is friend. Corey is a good friend because I am always trying to shoot in new, different, and exciting ways and he is always down to have pictures taken. In the process of trying these crazy ideas we end up getting some pretty legit stuff that just ends up sitting on the hard drive.

Corey is patient because he lets me take all these pictures and 95% of them end out like crap because the idea doesn't work. But when we get it dialed, they turn out banger, and it turns out being a lot of fun doing it. All the following shots are testers(lighting, background, composition, new equipment, etc.) that turned out good.

The Underground Corey Collection:

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