Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Other Perspective

Everyone knows there life and their surroundings inside and out, upside down and backwards yet we still are unable to see some of the best things that are right under our noses.

I was starting to reach a point where I believed that to capture an interesting image I needed to get away from here and the usual subjects/landscapes/people and so I decided to stop shooting the norm and only shoot when I was away from my norm. It has been good, I have shot in many different places and of many different things but as of the last few days I've realized I can shoot just as interesting of a photo from the deck of my house.

My camera breaking was a gift in disguise. It forced me to look through a different viewfinder and in the process I found a different perspective on my everyday surroundings. I feel like I'm looking at a whole new world through this different viewfinder while all I'm doing is staying within the confines of my everyday life. I'm transferring at least a 16gb card of photos from around my house once a day. It has got me way more amped on photography and I'm absolutely loving it.

Today I leave you with only one image... but to me it is a fairly powerful one. I see this every night out here on the lake, its right after the sun has set and the last bits of light slowly close the day. Never did it cross my mind to photograph this average everyday occurrence, but now that I have I realize the beauty of what I see everyday. Take this to heart because amazing things are happening right in front of your eyes everyday and chances are you are considering them "standard".

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