Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 1: Tramp Time

For this week I really wanted to get out and shoot some urban rails and get the strobes figured out but due to the snow (super hard) and a few riders being sick it never quite happened.

 I'm actually okay with it not happening cuz I got to figure out the strobes in  a more controlled environment. What better place to do it then in my own backyard on the tramp, no one to hassle you and as much time as you need. I ended up putting the camera on a tripod and hooking up my clicker to it so I could jump and hit the button when I wanted to take the picture. A little lame but I didn't have anyone to take pictures of and I needed to figure out how to set the strobes up for actions shots and figure out how I needed to adjust the exposure.

After some trial and error with exposure I figured you needed to be about two stops down on exposure from the ambient light with both strobes at full power. This is what I got for the first set up, one strobe to the right and one to the left: (I havent been editing alot recently so I went a little overboard on these shots)

It worked out okay with the strobes in that position but then i really wanted to figure out how to get a rim light, I've heard the guys on talking about having rim light on there shots and after looking at some snow photos in magazines almost all of the shots with artificial light have at least some kind of rim lighting.

I know its a epic fail to have your lights in the shot but I wasn't worried about concealing the strobes, i was just trying to figure how to get some rim light and I think it worked pretty good.
One strobe to my right and one behind the tramp: (not diggin the lens flare but then again i wasn't worried about it)

1 comment:

btwitch said...

Fan-freakin'-tastic man!

I have not had an opportunity in class to really talk, but I am very stoked that you have the lights and that you are so excited about it. Keep going with it man! You are getting mad skills, and learning more with the studio lights then I know. I have not had much of an opportunity to play with them, keep it up.